Dry Needling
What is dry needling?
Inflamed areas of the muscle are known as myofascial trigger points. They often feel like small knots underneath the skin. One of the ways we treat trigger points is a technique called dry needling. With dry needling, a thin needle is gently inserted through the skin directly into the affected muscle. The extremely fine, solid needles are considered “dry” because they do not contain medication, just as acupuncture needles. Sometimes we add electrical stimulation or e-stim, an electrical current transferred through the needle that can help accelerate the pain-relief process.
What are the benefits?
Dry needling is a minimally invasive technique that is instrument assisted manual therapy. It has been shown to be powerfully effective in decreasing muscle tension and tone (the muscle’s resistance to passive stretching during a resting state). This can improve a patient’s range of motion and relieve pain.
What conditions can be treated?
Dry needling can treat an enormous range of conditions, from muscular pain to carpal tunnel, lateral epicondylitis, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, and much more. If you are unsure if your condition can be treated with dry needling, we can help you determine the treatment path that is best for you.
How many sessions are needed?
The number of treatments is a case-by-case basis. Usually, a patient will see results or improvements after only the first or second session, but some patients require more treatments. Your treatment plan is individualized according to how you feel.
Dry needling therapy sessions are $40 per visit.